1. Fried Food
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fried food - The Danger of Junk Food |
Fried is a food that has a high calorie, fat / oil and oxide content so that if consumed in a standard and excessive can cause obesity (obesity), and coronary heart disease. In addition, Karsiogenik substances contained in frying compositions become one of the triggers of the disease cancer.
2. Canned food
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canna food - The Danger of Junk Food |
Nowadays a lot of food packaged in cans including fruits, vegetables and meat. The canned foods are very practical, and the taste of this canned food is much more delicious than when processing yourself. But please note that canned food can trigger a variety of health problems. Canned food is categorized as garbage food, although canned food is a fruit still harmful to health.
Fruits packaged in cans have been mixed with other ingredients such as salt, food coloring, artificial sweeteners and other preservatives. In addition, the natural nutrient content contained in the fruit itself has decreased nutrients as a result of accumulating with mixed chemicals.
Canned fruit is usually packed in liquid form (a kind of juice), canned fruit like this is very dangerous for health because the sugar content (a very high artificial sweetener plus a liquid form makes expositions very fast). Rapid absorption process causes an increase in blood sugar levels in a short time, this will burden the burden of the pancreas that can cause diabetes. In addition, the high calories contained in canned foods can lead to obesity.

Asianan food has a level that is quite harmful to health this is because the content contained in salted food.Dalm expositions marinating foods added salt in quantities that can even exceed the fairness limit. Excessive salt content can cause interference with kidney function and if too often consuming salted foods with high salt levels may increase the risk of hypertensive disease. In addition, additional ingredients in the composition of marinating foods such as ammonium nitrite can lead to increased risk of cancer of the nose and throat.
High levels of salt in foods are also able to slowly damage the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines so that too often and large portions in the consumption of salted foods can also cause inflammation in the stomach and intestines. Knowing so many hazards caused too often consume marinated foods then we are limiting the consumption of this salted food.

Processed meat foods such as sausages, hams and others contain nitric salts that can cause cancer other than that the preservative or colorant content which is a supplementary ingredient of this type of food will disrupt the work expositions (the liver even works extra) so that the liver function can disturbed.
5. 5. Foods
from fatty meats and offal
Although it contains good protein, vitamins and minerals but in fatty meats and innards contain saturated fat and cholesterol that can cause heart disease.
Consuming animal innards in large quantities and long time can cause various diseases such as coronary heart disease, malignant tumor (colon cancer), breast cancer and others.
Although it contains good protein, vitamins and minerals but in fatty meats and innards contain saturated fat and cholesterol that can cause heart disease.
Consuming animal innards in large quantities and long time can cause various diseases such as coronary heart disease, malignant tumor (colon cancer), breast cancer and others.
6. Instant
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instant noodles - |
Instant noodle is one of the foods withering much favored because it tastes good, practical in the presentation and satiety is obtained the same as consuming rice. When you feel hungry for reasons of uncooked rice people tend to replace rice by consuming instant noodles.
Almost all the people like instant noodles ranging from children, adolescents, adults and even some elderly. Consumption of instant noodles in excess can lead to various diseases in the future, the effects of consuming excessive instant noodles are new will be felt in the period long enough .
Health problems / diseases that may be suffered due to excessive consumption of instant noodles is a disorder of kidney function caused by the salt content in instant noodles very high. Risk hypertension (high blood pressure) can also be suffered as a result of very high salt content in noodle. preservatives that are not good for health. Salt levels in instant noodles can cause the weight of the kidney load and increase blood pressure. In addition, instant noodles also contain trans lipids that cause interference in the blood vessels of the heart.

Burned or roasted foods can cause food to burn and substances that occur can lead to cancer.
8. 8. Candied
dried food
These foods contain nitrate salts and when combined in the body will produce karsiogenik.actualy substances in this food substance esen can damage liver function. High salt content in the food is also able to increase the risk of hypertension and disrupt the performance of the kidney.
These foods contain nitrate salts and when combined in the body will produce karsiogenik.actualy substances in this food substance esen can damage liver function. High salt content in the food is also able to increase the risk of hypertension and disrupt the performance of the kidney.
9. 9.Frozen
sweet food
Frozen foods such as ice cream, frozen cakes and the like contain high butter so that it can lead to obesity and high sugar levels can lead to decreased appetite.
The Dangers of Junk Food
At a glance we already know some health problems caused by garbage food, for more details we describe some of the dangers of the habit of consuming garbage sustenance on health. Here are some health problems / diseases that may suffer as a result of consuming too often garbage nourishment:
1. Overweight (Obesity)
A 2013 study published in JAMA Pediatrics showed that many children and adolescents who prefer to risk getting more calories in fast food and restaurants than food served at home. According to the National Institutes of Health, some fast foods as a whole contain only high amounts of calories, which greatly affects overweight, which is one of the risk factors for many chronic health problems.
Too often consume fast food to replace nutritious food can cause bad nutrition and bad health for us. Health problem which may be suffered due to obesity including coronary heart disease, diabetes, asthma / shortness of breath and other diseases.
2. Risk of diabetes
Garbage sustenance is a very high-calorie and saturated-fat foods that can trigger overweight (obesity). A person with diabetes is particularly susceptible to insulin resistance which is one of the contributing factors of diabetes. Insulin resistance is a condition where there is insufficient amount of insulin to perform compositions burning blood sugar levels in the body.
Garbage sustenance in addition to high calorie content is also very low in fiber so it consumes garbage nourishment in excessive portions and in a period of time that can often menghbabkan increase in blood sugar levels in a fairly short time. This is also the cause of garbage sustenance become one of the factors that trigger diabetes.
3. Problems in the digestive system
For garbage sustenance addicts, they will be more at risk of digestive disorders such as gastroesophageal reflux (GERD) disease and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). As we know that garbage sustenance contains more calories than nutritional value. When we consume fried garbage sustenance, the oil content will be stored in the wall of the stomach lining. This can increase acid production. Then the spices in it can irritate the stomach lining, thus exacerbating the risk of GERD and impaired digestion. The lack of fiber in the garbage nourishment can inhibit digestion, increasing problems such as constipation and hemorrhoids.
4. Fatigue and weakness
Garbage sustenance is a low nutrient food (rinutrisi), this type of food does not contain the nutrients needed by the body such as vitamins and proteins that consume garbage nourishment only provide a sense of satiety but not provide energy for the body.So
people who often consume garbage nourishment has a
level immune
weak body, very vulnerable to disease and very easy to experience fatigue (weak
body). The body will weaken, lower the energy level to the level of energy so
weak that the body can have difficulty even can not perform daily routine if in
long period of time the body received only a garbage sustenance.Frozen foods such as ice cream, frozen cakes and the like contain high butter so that it can lead to obesity and high sugar levels can lead to decreased appetite.
The Dangers of Junk Food
At a glance we already know some health problems caused by garbage food, for more details we describe some of the dangers of the habit of consuming garbage sustenance on health. Here are some health problems / diseases that may suffer as a result of consuming too often garbage nourishment:
1. Overweight (Obesity)
A 2013 study published in JAMA Pediatrics showed that many children and adolescents who prefer to risk getting more calories in fast food and restaurants than food served at home. According to the National Institutes of Health, some fast foods as a whole contain only high amounts of calories, which greatly affects overweight, which is one of the risk factors for many chronic health problems.
Too often consume fast food to replace nutritious food can cause bad nutrition and bad health for us. Health problem which may be suffered due to obesity including coronary heart disease, diabetes, asthma / shortness of breath and other diseases.
2. Risk of diabetes
Garbage sustenance is a very high-calorie and saturated-fat foods that can trigger overweight (obesity). A person with diabetes is particularly susceptible to insulin resistance which is one of the contributing factors of diabetes. Insulin resistance is a condition where there is insufficient amount of insulin to perform compositions burning blood sugar levels in the body.
Garbage sustenance in addition to high calorie content is also very low in fiber so it consumes garbage nourishment in excessive portions and in a period of time that can often menghbabkan increase in blood sugar levels in a fairly short time. This is also the cause of garbage sustenance become one of the factors that trigger diabetes.
3. Problems in the digestive system
For garbage sustenance addicts, they will be more at risk of digestive disorders such as gastroesophageal reflux (GERD) disease and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). As we know that garbage sustenance contains more calories than nutritional value. When we consume fried garbage sustenance, the oil content will be stored in the wall of the stomach lining. This can increase acid production. Then the spices in it can irritate the stomach lining, thus exacerbating the risk of GERD and impaired digestion. The lack of fiber in the garbage nourishment can inhibit digestion, increasing problems such as constipation and hemorrhoids.
4. Fatigue and weakness
Garbage sustenance is a low nutrient food (rinutrisi), this type of food does not contain the nutrients needed by the body such as vitamins and proteins that consume garbage nourishment only provide a sense of satiety but not provide energy for the body.So
5. Depression
As a result of consuming too much garbage sustenance, many hormonal changes occur, especially among adolescents, which make them vulnerable to mood swings and behavioral changes. Because consuming garbage nourishment can cause an important nutritional deficiency in the body, which increases the likelihood of teenagers suffering from depression by 58%. Eating healthy routine will play an important role in maintaining hormonal balance.
Other than that. content in fast food such as salt, processed meats, nitrate, and MSG